Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012

If Vim Then Janus

If you're a vim user, then you should definitely check out janus ( Installation is fully automated: Just do curl -Lo- | bash. Your old .vim/ and .vimrc will be backed up. If you want to add additional tweaks, you can put them into .vimrc.before and .vimrc.after, respectively.

What Janus will do for you:

  • Provide you with NerdTree, a file-explorer inside vim (\n).
  • Add automated syntax checking to your program sources upon :w.
  • Add Tagbar (\rt) for eayily access to the ctags in your source tree. (works with exuberant ctags only)
  • Add EasyMotion (\\<MOTION-COMMAND>), which is probably the most jawdropping vim plugins I ever found.

Give it a try. There is nothing like an antediluvian text editor that doubles as a full-blown IDE. Or, as some might argue, its own operating system.

Oh and also... since we're on the topic: A simple google search for "vim configuration" will save you a LOT of time in the future. It's incredible what those vimthusiasts have already come up with, so why reinvent the vil?

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