Sonntag, 12. April 2015

My vim/gvim setup for a node.js project

In my .vimrc, there is a function ProjectLoad() which will look for and read a session file in the current working dir, and then look for/source a  local .vimrc.

In the .vimrc for my current node.js project, there is a function NodeTest() which will run my project's test suite and paste the results into a new buffer.

Here are the relevant function definitions:


function! ProjectLoad()
    if filereadable(".vimsession")
        so .vimsession
    if filereadable(".vimrc")
        so .vimrc
function! ProjectSave()
    mks! .vimsession

command! ProjectLoad call ProjectLoad()
command! ProjectSave call ProjectSave()


function! NodeIntoFile()
    redir! > out.log
    set nomore
    !node js/test/runTests.js 2>&1
    redir END

function! NodeIntoBuffer()
    r !node js/test/runTests.js
command! NodeTest call NodeIntoBuffer()

I wrote NodeIntoFile() while I was trying to auto-run the tests upon :w (i.e., FileWritePost), but that doesn't work out on Windows because it will always pop up a cmd window which stinks. If you know a way around that, please let me know!

Otherwise, maybe you can use those functions in your own setup.