Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015

Using VIM as a Frontend for MySQL

Being deeply dissatisfied with MySQL Workbench, which tends to go nonresponsive on me at least once per day, I started looking around for other solutions. Since I'm a VIM aficionado, this occurred to me as one of the places to look. Of course, I got lucky.

Here's the solution (It's a slightly modified version of the code found here:

function! FilterToNewWindow(script)
    let TempFile = tempname()
    let SaveModified = &modified
    exe 'w ' . TempFile
    let &modified = SaveModified
    exe 'split ' . TempFile
    exe '.! ' . a:script
    exe 'setlocal buftype=nofile'
    exe 'setlocal bufhidden=hide'
    exe 'setlocal noswapfile'
    exe 'setlocal noet'
    exe 'setlocal ts=25'
    exe 'setlocal number'
command! MF call FilterToNewWindow('mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -t <DATABASENAME>')

Paste the above code into your .vimrc, open a new vim, and...:

  • Enter a SQL command into current buffer
  • Do :MF at the line you wish to use in mysql
  • A new buffer will open up with the results of your query. (Actually, of course, it's the other way around, but who cares...)
  • This buffer will be a scratch buffer, so you don't get an ugly error message when doing :q
You should use the mysql defaults file, otherwise your mysql credentials will end up in (I guess) your bash history. The -t argument will make mysql export its results in the nice table format used in the mysql command line client. setlocal number, noet and ts (tabsize) are not necessary, but I want them in my scratch buffer anyway.

Of course, you can use FilterToNewWindow() with all kinds of external programs. I'm sure I will put it to good use in the future.

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